Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An Easy and Affordable Way To Clean Makeup Brushes

    Have you ever been overwhelmed by all of the brush cleansers and ways to clean your brushes?! Well worry no more! I have found a very effective and inexpensive way to clean my brushes and keep them in great condition as well. It only uses two products (olive oil and mild shampoo) and a few paper towels! Here is how I have been doing it for years... Enjoy!

     I use this process with all of my brush brands from real techniques to sigma to crown brush! It watches your brushes to keep them from spreading bacteria but also keeps them smelling great and moisturized! Please let me know if you try this and how it works for you. Also, leave your tried and true way to cleaning your brushes in a comment below! Have a wonderful day!

Please like my Facebook page (here) to get the link to all of my new videos first!
Love, Lacey


  1. Hi Lacey, I noticed in your videos and reviews you sometimes mention Sigma brushes. I've been thinking about purchasing some of their brushes and was wondering if you would recommend one of their kits or certain individual brushes? What are your favorites? Thanks!

  2. Sara that's great and thanks for watching! I LOVE Sigma brushes and in my opinion they are the best brush for the value! I am a HUGE fan of their round (F82), angled (F84), and flat top (F80) kabuki brushes and they are all great for applying foundation! As for eyes I really enjoy using their tapered blending brush (E35) as well as their E40 brush for highlighting and apply powder under the eyes. I have also been loving the large angled contour (F40) for blush recently. As far as sets, I have never bought one from Sigma because I like the variety I get through ordering single brushes. With that being said I have heard great things about their travel kits! I hope this helps! :)

    1. Thanks Lacey! I've been eyeing those kabukis so that definitely helps. Your blog posts and videos are very helpful! :) thanks again!
