Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Top 5 Sigma Brushes: A Great Starting Kit!

Hi lovelies! I have some really exciting news to share with you! I recently affiliated with Sigma and couldn't be more excited to start this working relationship with a company I have known and loved for so long. In honer of this partnership I decided to create a video sharing with you my top 5 brushes that I couldn't live without!

I wanted to choose a variety of items that would be great for anyone who hasn't experimented with brushes yet. However, they would also be great every day essentials to add to any growing kit. In the video you will find demos of each brush as well as more information and my review! I hope you find this helpful and please keep reading for an awesome COUPON CODE!

Brushes Mentioned...

If you were to purchase all of the brushes mentioned here it would run you about $78 but if you use the coupon code SPRING2014 you will get 10% off! If you aren't ready to purchase now have no fear! That code is good through April 30th and can be found in the description of all my future videos as well as in the banner to the right of this post under my Bloglovin' link. Since I am now affiliated I will be updated on every code and promotion Sigma has to offer so I'll make sure to pass that information on to you!

Do you have any favorite Sigma brushes that I need to check out?!
Love, Lacey


  1. Gosh I love a good brush. Someone else blogged about a new brand of affordable brushes too and I am really going to have to invest!

    1. Ooo do you remember the brand they spoke about? I am all about trying different ones! :)
