Saturday, December 14, 2013

The "Christmas Time is Here!" Tag

     Hello Everyone!

     I was tagged by the lovely Stephanie from Stephanie's Look to do this super fun Christmas tag! It was created by Hope from beautyandbliss and I absolutely love the questions! Now you can finally get a peak into what my holiday season looks like. I hope you enjoy!

1. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

I love every single thing! I love the extra time I get to spend with family and friends, the way it looks outside after it snows, all of the traditions that my family has around the holidays, and of course baking lots of yummy treats!

2. When you were a kid, what did you leave for Santa on Christmas Eve?

This is such a fun memory for me. I used to leave the traditional milk and sugar cookies but I also left carrots for the reindeer! We would always by the carrots with leaves still on them and 'Rudolph' would always seem to make a mess all over the living room! I thought it was hilarious!

3. Do you and/or your family have any Christmas Traditions?


1. All of the girls in my family have craft night. We normally make an ornament but this year we painted pottery!
2. We decorate gingerbread houses with my cousin!
3. We have a white elephant gift exchange after Christmas dinner and this year's theme is "As Seen On TV"! I'm still looking for the perfect gift.
4. We see a movie on Christmas Day with my cousin. 
5. We celebrate Christmas Eve at my house!
6.  My Nana, cousin and I have a huge shopping day at the department store where my aunt works. I look forward to it every year!

4. When decorating, do you go all out or just do a small amount of decorating?

I definitely think my family is right in the middle. Everywhere you look in our house you are reminded of the holiday but we don't have millions of lights and blow-up Santa's in the front yard! :D

5. What is your favorite Christmas dinner food?

My family has a very similar dinner to Thanksgiving. We have ham, turkey, mashed potatoes all the works so I look forward to all of it! :)

6. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Elf all the way! Jerome will even do the escalator move in public during this time of year. You'd think I'd get embarrassed but to this day it still cracks me up!

7. What is your favorite Christmas song?

I hate to admit it but the entire Justin Bieber Christmas album...

8. What as your favorite gift you've ever received?

Without a doubt my vanity Jerome got me last year! If you want to see it it's in video number one of my makeup collection series. He completely surprised me to the point where I was in tears! He even went the extra mile and had it all built and set up in my room by the time I got home Christmas night. What a sweetheart! My parents also got me my Macbook Pro a few years ago so that is definitely a close second.

9. What is your favorite Christmas memory?

I think a lot of people will relate to this one: just racing down the hall Christmas morning as soon as I opened my eyes. I also loved opening those chocolate advent calendars!

10. Does it snow where you live?

Definitely! We just had a huge storm over the last few days and ended up with like 8" total! To be honest I really do love it- mainly when I'm inside and in front of the fire place though. :)

11. Do you own an "ugly holiday sweater"?

I can't say that I own anything too ugly but I do own one of those baggy holiday sweaters that looks like it could be from my grandpa! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

12. Hot chocolate or eggnog?

Hot chocolate for sure! I've given eggnog it's fair shot but I am not a fan.

13. Have you ever been kissed under a mistletoe?

As long as Jerome and I have been together, we haven't! Maybe this year will be the first time!

I tag EVERYONE along with these beauty girls!

1. Emily Eddington
2. Lindseyland22
3. Jen Luv's Reviews
4. CarahAmelie
5. Inspiredmom824
6. Leeshyeternally
7. Leighannsays
8. Thrift Thick

Merry Christmas!
Love, Lacey


  1. aw what a cute tag post!:)i love Elf too!can't believe christmas is almost here!!:)xx

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I know, I can't believe it either! There is still so much left to get done!

  2. Hello :) just to let you know I've nominated you for a Leibster Award! Read more about it on my blog

